Thursday, August 22, 2019

Step 1 Code

As you all know, I'm a bit adventurous. My mum says it's because I'm the last born, only girl and still young. *rolling my eyes*
Anyhoo, let's dive into this topic.

In a bid to try everything and conquer the world, I stumbled upon this retweet on my timeline on Twitter about an internship program for beginners interested in coding with no age or gender restrictions. I clicked on the link because I mean tech is the future and of course I want to be among the cool kids in the future RIGHT!!!!

I registered and was awaiting a mail with regards to when the program will be starting. My post notifications for Mark Essien and StartdotNG pages on Twitter were turned on. That tells you how enthusiastic I was about the program. Lool.

So basically the program is an initiative of Flutterwave. They train people in coding for 6 months and companies in partnership with them for the internship employ you afterwards upon seeing how good you are. Awesome right!!! hahaha

FINALLY got the mail for the start of the pre-internship program, as advised by the organizers I downloaded Slack app on every d*** device I have because I can't be caught missing information or slipping hahaha.

So far, I've learnt HTML & CSS. I'm sticking to frontend for now and hopefully my enthusiasm remains the same throughout the program. I created my first HTML page today using VS Code. Lovely experience and outcome.

Finally, HUGE HUGE shoutout to Flutterwave (theflutterwave) & StartNG (startdotng) for this opportunity. Make sure to check them out on Twitter, handles are right there. Gracias!

*drops mic*

Step 1 Code

As you all know, I'm a bit adventurous. My mum says it's because I'm the last born, only girl and still young. *rolling my eyes*...